Internal: 3 capsules, TID, between meals. In acute conditions, you may use 3 capsules, 4 to 6 times per day.
90 capsules, 632mg
Contraindications: Strong cooling formula, reduce dosage or discontinue if diarrhea occurs.
Coptis root* (huang lian), Isatis root* (ban lan gen), Dong Quai root* (dang gui), Lophatherum herb* (dan zhu ye), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Chinese Peony root* (bai shao), Anemarrhena root* (zhi mu), Phellodendron cortex* (huang bai), Gentian root* (qin jiao), Alisma rhizome* (ze xie), Marshmallow root (yao su kui), Skullcap root* (huang qin), Sophora root* (ku shen), Forsythia fruit* (lian qiao), Gardenia fruit* (zhi zi), Licorice root* (gan cao); *extract
Other Ingredients: Hypromellose (vegetable cellulose) and rice bran.
Pinyin Reference: Modified Long Dan Xie Gan Wan