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Bupleurum Entangled Qi Formula™

  • This formula contains bupleurum and dong quai to support blood circulation. 
  • Helps resolve heat and toxins.


Internal: 3 capsules, BID – TID, between meals
90 capsules, 750mg


Bupleurum root* (chai hu), Dong Quai root* (dang gui), Chinese Peony root* (chi shao), Tangerine peel* (qing pi), Heal All herb* (xia ku cao), Chinese Salvia root (dan shen), Trichosanthes root* (tian hua fen), Cow Cockle seed* (wang bu liu xing), Cyperus rhizome* (xiang fu), Sichuan Lovage root* (chuan xiong), Forsythia fruit* (lian qiao), Dandelion root* (pu gong ying), Orange peel (chih-shih), *extract

Other Ingredients: Hypromellose (vegetable cellulose) and rice bran.

Pinyin Reference: Modified Chai Hu Xiang Fu Tang